sqUId - Simple & Quick UI Designer for PureBasic
Features | Squeme System | Dynamic Layouts | Localizations | SqUIditor | Development
sqUId - What's that?sqUId is a simple yet versatile UI library for PureBasic. It adapts the clear and straight visual apperance of modern UIs such as Metro while giving you enough freedom to change every detail to your liking. |
- Dynamic Layouts
- Powerful Panel System
- Window System
- Menu System
- Native FontAwesome, Bootstrap and Material Icons integration
- Powerful Table Component with sort and filter
- Linking of gadget attributes
- Linking of gadget attributes to variables
- sqUIditor – A powerful UI form designer and project management app
- squeme System (sqUId theme system)
- Localization System
- Advanced Tooltip System
- Built in role system (Automatic hiding and disabling of gadgets based on user role)
- QuickMessage System
Squeme SystemThe embedded sqUId Theme System gives you the opportunity to rely on a theme for the whole UI, whole windows down to just a gadget. A built-in inheritance system makes it possible to inherit the look of a parent gadget to its children automatically. Of course you are able to for example give a single child gadget a look of its own based on another squeme or simply by changing every detail (shape, color scheme, …) for yourself. |
Dynamic LayoutInspired by PureBasic’s Dialog System (which I like very much) the layout of the windows are dynamic. You won’t have to give a single x or y coordinate to a gadget. Just lay out elements and gadgets … and done! |
Clean, fast and simple - but powerfulA wide range of gadget types can be used while having a comparable small amount of basic gadgets to use to have maximum overview. For example does a Panel Gadget come in three flavours: As a single tab gadget that can be used as a container or frame gadget, a multi-tab gadget like the one you know from PureBasic or a collapsible panel to have a quick and good foundation to build property gadgets without effort. Another thing I wanted to be really versatile because you often rely on it is a powerful and versatile TableGadget. I wanted to have tables the can work as a simple list, a tree with optional cells to change, a spreadsheet-like grid, and it has to have sort and filter options built-in and give the user of your application the possibility to change sizes of rows and columns to his liking without hussle. Interactivity and drawing updates are done via a tree based approach which only updates on screen what really changes to speed up the whole UI. |
Multi-language supportA built-in localization system helps you to design multi-language tools without effort directly in the Project Manager (and of course later in your project for the dynamic things). There is even support for po-files, a commonly used file format for translation data. |
sqUIditor: Not a form designer - a project manager!The included form designer called sqUIditor does a bit more than you would expect. It is basically a whole project management tool. You design the forms, layouts and menus, manage themes and languages for your application and even populate Tables and ComboBoxes with items in it, if you want to. Image and Icon management included, of course. Linking of gadgets and variables, editing behaviour of gadgets and other elements and management of PureBasic build targets and projects are also included. I’m not lazy but efficient, I want everything done with as less work as possible when I code a new app. |
The sqUIditor UI is completely done in sqUIditor – this is what is called the „sqUIdception„!